Give us your roof and leave the rest to us.

No upfront cost. All you need to give us is access to your roof and we will set up a power plant that you pay monthly cost at a fraction of what you pay Kenya power.
Friendly Terms and Flexible Finance

  • Contract period over 3 to 20 years.
  • Flexible early settlement after 24 months
  • Quick and easy financial due diligence process

25+ Year Lifetime Solar Power Plant

  • Only Tier 1 components
  • Valuable solar assets become yours after contract
  • Only independently, externally qualified technical partners

Performance Guarantee and Monitoring

  • 80% Guarantee on solar production
  • All maintenance and operational costs are covered
  • Fully insured and operated by Mayu Solar

Solar Financing

We work closely with our partners to assist our clients access to financing at affordable rates, to help them realize PV projects that otherwise wouldn’t move forward. We offer both lease to own and PPA contracts. We offer a clear and concise service - a solar system using the leasing or PPA model which we call Solar-as-Service.

The benefits of our offer

  • 0% upfront payment.
  • Flexible contract period. Lease / PPA contract between 3 – 20 yrs.
  • Fast response. Offers ready in 1- 2 weeks.
  • Flexible pricing.  (depending on client’s needs).
  • Offer is complete solution (price includes Performance guarantee, O&M costs, insurance, monitoring and spare parts).
  • Easy financial due diligence for the client
  • Debt is not reflected on balance sheet

Payment Terms are Flexible and Adapt to Your Needs. We have 10 year, 15 year and 20 year fixed lease options. However, if you would like an offer for a longer or shorter contract period, or with a larger upfront payment for example, we are very happy to revise our terms accordingly.

Early Purchase Options. From year 2 onwards (after 24 monthly payments), we allow you to buy the solar power plant for the remaining payback value plus a small investor compensation fee. Early settlement amount is predefined at contract signature and includes an ownership transfer of the solar power plant..

Kenya is switching to solar. Do not be left behind.

The longer you delay, the more you pay. Do not postpone the decision to save money and enjoy uninterrupted power supply.
Get started