Solar water heating technology is fast emerging as the most energy-efficient and inexpensive method of water heating in Kenya and a great solution to today’s challenge of increasing energy costs, rising pollution levels and rapidly depleting energy sources.
With cost and energy savings like never before, Mayu solar water heating systems address heating requirements for varying family sizes, climatic conditions & building types.
Mayu solar water heaters work on thermosiphon principle, a highly trusted and efficient system of water heating. Based on phenomenon of natural convection, water stored in the collector heats up by solar energy, becomes lighter and rises naturally into the tank above. At the same time the cooler water in the tank flows down the pipe to bottom of the collector, and this circulation continues to occur naturally, resulting in overall temperature rise of water stored in the tank. Through the thermosiphon principle the fluid circulates without the necessity of a mechanical pump.
We deal in supply and installation of solar water heaters reknown for their efficiency, durability and modern design. We havea complete line of pressurized solar water heaters available in a variety of capacities to suit your needs at very competitiveprices. Our range of products include solar collector, split solar water heaters, heat pipe and flat plate solar water heaters. Allour products are KEBS and EPRA(Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority) Approved.
We are an EPC and O&M contractor with experience and capacity to support solar projects from inception, throughout the development and construction stages and for the complete lifetime of the plant. We are certified Solar Water Heating Contractors and solar power systems contractors, licensed by the Energy & Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA).
8th Floor Suite A1, Golf View Suites, Wambui Road, Muthaiga, Nairobi
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